Writer Myths

Hello and good morning friends! I wanted to have some fun with my ‘bookish’ blog today and talk about writer myths. Oh come on now. As you read this the myths are forming in your head. While some are true, it really depends on the writer. Wouldn’t you dislike being lumped into a one-size-fits-all group based on your aspirations? Or based on anything really?


Many people picture writers in hideaway cabins in the woods behind computer screens, coming up for air only after we have written twenty-thousand words. And then, we interact with no one but our cats and nature. Truly, I would love to live in a bug-free cabin (I’m aware of the oxymoron) in the woods with my family, but many writers live in the real world. We have families who need civilization. We often need civilization. And we have careers in addition to writing – See below: Writers are Loaded.


Writers are creatives, and often creatives are sensitive. Plus, writers sit behind a computer and crank out thousands of words while alone, which wears us out. So, yes, somedays writers are moody. But don’t all people have their good days and not so good days? I’m thinking this is more human nature than writing nature. 

Caffeine Addicts

I’ll admit I need a cup (or three) of chai before I can start my day. So, I fit this stereotype. Most people I know (outside of those who wake up to drink kale, flax-seed, and organic hemp smoothies-okay made that last ingredient up) need their morning caffeine to wake up and start their day. 

Writers are Procrastinators

All writers can think about is writing, yet it takes everything in us to sit down and actually write. Welp. Tie this into the moodiness one I would guess. But, mostly this will depend on the writer and their lifestyle. There is no wrong or right way. For me, I work through edits on my novel quickly. Similarly, with work and family keeping me busy, I’ve learned to use my free time to write—edits to my novel, blogs, social media posts ect. 

Writers are Loaded

Most writers work full time in careers outside of writing. Does that answer the question?

Writers are Night Owls

I’m sure this is the case for many. But for me, see Writers Are Procrastinators above. I’ve got adorable, little people that wake up at 6:00 am and need me, and then there’s work, so I turn into a pumpkin at about 9:30 PM.

Writers Can Write Anything

I’m not saying everyone believes this myth, but a writer can only write what they know. As with any profession, we need the education and knowledgebase of the subject matter to speak to it, or write to it, as the case may be.

That’s all I have today on writer myths. For a fun take on writer myths watch this video called the Top 10 Myths About Writers by Jenna Moreci.

What are your thoughts on my blog post on writer myths? Do you have any interesting myths you’d like to share in your profession? I’d love to know. Thanks for popping in. Blog you soon!

Author: Anita Kharbanda

Anita Kharbanda is an aspiring author and blogger. She lives in Texas with her husband and two sons.