Writing in the age of technology

Hello friends, hope you are having a wonderful and shiny day!

Today I wanted to talk to you about something still along the bookish lines.  In case you cannot tell by now, I am all about books and writing. It turns out, that as a writer of books in the age of social media, you can no longer just write books (surprise!).  With the prominence of social media and all sorts of other ‘techie vessels’, if you are not in the know, and not involved, you may struggle to become the successful author you wish to be.

So let’s delve into this a little bit.  When I first started writing my novel, I learned through the writing community I am enrolled in, that you should really have a blog if you would like to get published.  This blog becomes even more relevant if you are not a published author. Also, you would need to have several, or at least one (like me), social media platforms. A good follower count on the platform and social media accounts is a plus, and you use the blog/social media profile to promote your work as a writer or author.

It took me several weeks to become comfortable with the idea of blogging since my writing is so personal to me.  Then it took several more weeks to be comfortable with promoting it on social media. The thought of saying, “Hey look at me! Come read my blog.” mortified me.  I write stories about other people. Not myself. Still, I decided that my writing meant more, and getting it out to the world, to make the world a better place, meant the most. (Does that read as cheesy as it felt to write it?). All of this said, it was time to be a writer, and aspiring author, in today’s world.  The world of technology and social media.

In addition to blogging, and marketing yourself on social media platforms, a writer can create a youtube presence or a podcast.  Some authors have sworn that their podcasts are the sole inspiration for the work they write. How amazing is that? Also, the youtubers and podcasters obtain a following, and those people read/buy their books. But, what do you do when you do not consider yourself a speaker, or in the case of a youtube platform, a vlogger?  (I really feel about ten years too old to even use the term vlogger, but here I am, usin’ it.)

I cannot tell you how many days, I sit and wish, that I could just focus on my novels versus the necessary accouterments to it. Any other writers feel me on that?  Anyone feel that way about any of the work they are passionate about? Still, I found that I have really liked having this blog to connect with the folks who enjoy my posts. It also helps me remember why I started writing. So in that sense, the blog was a win-win for me (business casual terminology seemed to fit best here).

For those of you with the same ‘writer’s personality’ as mine, ie. introverted, I feel you. It is tough to ‘put yourself out there’. And no, not every writer is an introvert, contrary to stereotypical belief that they are.  Still, introverts, it is important to get your message or your story out to the world. So break down the walls, and be bold with those aspirations. We all want to hear you!!

What have been your experiences in writing, or in any creative fields, that seem to take away from your primary interest?  Have you found that over time you have developed an appreciation for any of those things? What other techie vessels can you think of that play a role in becoming a traditionally published author?  Please share your thoughts, I would love to know.

Author: Anita Kharbanda

Anita Kharbanda is an aspiring author and blogger. She lives in Texas with her husband and two sons.

One thought on “Writing in the age of technology”

  1. Great article! Yes technology has definitely come a long way, especially in the social media aspect. It really is the wave everyone is riding and I agree that no matter what creative adventure you may be on we have to keep up with technology even if it takes away from our main focus ♥️

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