Benefits of Journaling

Hello friends. Thank you for checking into my little space of the webosphere. I am so happy to have you back! I wanted to delve into the benefits of journaling today. To be completely honest, I don’t journal (GASP), so it feels super hypocritical to write a blog post about an activity I don’t participate in. I have convinced myself that there is no time amidst working full time, writing manuscripts and blogs, and enjoying time with my family. Still, maybe if I write the blog it will persuade many of us to start journaling. 

I watched a video teaching in a writing program I am enrolled in through compel training last night. I was reminded in the class, that journaling benefits writers because it provides you with writing practice, IF you focus on grammatically correct writing. Also, you may use some of that journal content in a blog post or book. I decided to dig into some of the other benefits of journaling, and thought you might appreciate me sharing what I found out.

One benefit that stuck out to me is the link between journaling and memory. We draft our ideas in words, and forming those letters causes our minds to compose and edit, forcing us to recall information. That continued recollection strengthens your memory.  I know I could use that, jeez—what did I go upstairs for again? 

Additionally, discipline is a key benefit of journaling as well. If you commit to journaling every morning, for say fifteen minutes, that discipline becomes a habit. And habits are just that—habits. So, if discipline in journaling exists, then that same dedication will bubble over into other areas of your life. 

There are some more obvious benefits as well, such as increasing your vocabulary. Unless your journaling is purely an emotional outlet, which is beneficial and therapeutic in itself, then you will have a natural inclination to research new words. And if anyone else remembers the SAT, vocabulary is a systemic measure of intelligence. Would you agree? And has your vocabulary increased through journaling?

The artist in me could not leave out the creativity and healing journaling provides. If you let loose, and allow ideas that pop into your mind flow through to your fingertips and onto your keyboard, you will probably create some magnificent language-art (like that word?). Also, if you write through any challenges you face, working through them in words, might actually resolve them for you. Journaling increases your emotional intelligence as well by allowing you to process your own emotions, and empathize with others’ feelings. If you journal, have you noticed enhanced empathy?

Finally, journaling can help you hone in on your goals, and improve communication, which are relevant skills in almost any line of work. And those who communicate well on paper are linked to being better speakers. 

So, if you weren’t convinced to journal before, hopefully you are now! (I am a little more open, folks.) What did you think of this blog post? Do you journal? And if you don’t, will you start? What have you gained through journaling?

Thanks for stopping by my blogspot. See you soon, same time, same place. 

Author: Anita Kharbanda

Anita Kharbanda is an aspiring author and blogger. She lives in Texas with her husband and two sons.

One thought on “Benefits of Journaling”

  1. What a great post! I used to journal when I was younger and actually do miss it, this may give me the push to start again:) So many good points to journaling, they say even if we do five minutes in the morning or before we go to bed is a good start. 🌺

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