Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Happy Halloween, folks!  We are all ready to go with our costumes, decorations, and best of all trick or treating (for the kids, of course! ok, ok, for me too). Who would like a quick and easy recipe for roasted pumpkin seeds?

I am sure many of you have a pumpkin or two you are decorating or carving, so I wanted to share a family recipe for roasted pumpkin seeds.  It was my mom’s recipe made with love, and now my sisters and I carry on the tradition every halloween.  Mom used to use the pumpkin further by making kaddoo ka halwa, a sweet pumpkin pudding, but for today I will share the roasted seed recipe only.

Below is the recipe:

First, cut a circle around the stem of your pumpkin, and lift it up, creating a lid.  Clean out the inside of the pumpkin setting all of the seeds to the side in a bowl.  

Next, wash off the seeds, and then spread them out on a papertowl to dry.

Next, once the seeds are dry, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly oil or spray cooking spray on a cookie sheet, and spread the pumpkin seeds on the cookie sheet.  Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the seeds.

Now, bake the seeds in the oven for about 12-15 minutes, until lightly browned, at 350 degrees. Once they are done, remove them from the oven, and allow them to cool for two to five minutes.

Finally, drizzle olive oil on the seeds, and then put them in a jar with a lid.  Shake it up!  Enjoy your healthy, and delicious treat. Hope you have a spooky, and goblin filled Halloween.